Video Games – Lana Del Rey

It’s you, it’s you, it’s all for you

I didn’t forget, YOU forgot!

I think that last post about Ariana Grande psychically wrecked me. All I remember is pushing the publish button, relieved that I wouldn’t have to listen to that song anymore, and BAM, today I’m looking around wondering where all the time went. No matter, onward to daisy chaining my way through the music video industry!

Born Elizabeth Grant, Lana exploded onto the scene with her self titled debut album in 2010. Her big breakthrough would come just a year later with the release of “Video Games”. Lana stands out from her contemporaries due to the vintage and cinematic quality of her music coupled with lyrics highlighting the often overlooked melancholia of 1960’s Americana. She is currently on her 9th studio album while effortlessly making waves in the pop landscape with each release.


Video Games has a very large presence about it. Starting out with tender harp notes backed by a slow-tempo piano, it’s shortly followed by what could be mistaken as a full orchestra, until Lana herself enters with her singing. The song has a very melancholic tone. Lana’s distinctly deeper voice does well to compliment the instrumental and her lyrics portray a wealth of emotion that was quite rare for the time it was released. This could easily have been mistaken for a song from the golden age of Hollywood lost to time and rediscovered.

⭐️ 4/5 Stars ⭐️


Most of the music video centers around intercut sections of home movies along with vintage 1960’s era cartoons, celebrity paparazzo footage, travelling footage of the landscape of Hollywood, and Lana herself periodically singing the lyrics. Also, there’s this weird post-apocalyptic snippet in the beginning of the video and I have no idea what that was supposed to be about?

⭐ 2/5 Stars ⭐


The personal home movies and landscape footage do really well to enhance the nostalgia factor of the song as a whole. While experiencing the music video. I had the phantom feeling of longing to return to that time in history, and that was 30 years prior to me being born. Lana nailed “Old Hollywood” with masterful precision.

🌟 5/5 Stars 🌟


Apparently Lana made the entire music video with her webcam and laptop?! Respect!

⭐️ 3/5 Stars ⭐️



I appreciate how atmospheric the song is, but it isn’t one that I go searching for often. That isn’t to say I don’t like it, I just have to be in a mood for it. Preferably sitting in the corner of my house, in the dark, drinking scotch and smoking a cigar, and periodically shaking my head and saying “Damn…………………”

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